Daniel Dietrich
Daniel Dietrich is a full time wildlife photographer, filmmaker, writer and owner of Point Reyes Safaris. He started Conservation Kids with the hope of connecting more kids to nature through the use of photography. Daniel sits on the ethics committee for the North America Nature Photography Association (NANPA). You can view his work at www.danieldietrichphotography.com and www.pointreyessafaris.com.
Sarah Killingsworth
Sarah Killingsworth is a professional wildlife conservation photographer and filmmaker with a passion for education. Sarah is the Program Coordinator for Project Coyote’s Keeping it Wild Youth Education and Outreach Program. She is a member of the NANPA Ethics Committee as well as on the Board of Directors for the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin and the Coho Salmon Land Trust.
A frequent public speaker on coexistence, wildlife, photography and ethics, Sarah loves sharing the magic of wildlife and wilderness with young adults, hopefully inspiring a desire to protect them. You can view her work at www.sarahkillingsworth.com.
Jennifer Joynt
The first time I saw a bobcat in the wild was a truly transformative experience for me. I only wished it had happened decades earlier. With Conservation Kids, I hope to help create similar moments for young people just discovering their passions. Even more, I hope to inspire a love of our wild animals and our wild lands and a desire to preserve and protect them.
Derick Carss
I was drawn to California by the beauty of the landscapes and opportunities to explore the great outdoors, but the diverse wildlife of Point Reyes especially amazed me. As a designer I’m delighted to support Conservation Kids, connecting the next generation with the protection of our shared environment.